Sunday, December 01, 2013

cuti sekolah:3rd actvt

surau yg perlu dibaiki
We went back to kelantan atas beberapa misi. Antaranya to balik kg meet atuk che, ibu tunggal bersama cucu2nya, melawat bro, sis, inlaw, niece, nephew and the list go on sbb keluarga sana besar and ramai......
To also send our kids stay there atas permintaan dia org juga which is 1st time exp for us to split dlm jangkamasa yg agak lama. N the 3rd mission ikut si ayah utk memberi bantuan musim tengkujuh for ibu tunggal and those yg x blh menoreh. It was arrange by Persatuan Penduduk n Anak Perantauan kg.
Me and the kids join the society to pack the food. Then we go to the house and give the donation. Agak menginsafkan n anak-anak ibu patut bersyukur dengan apa yg kita ada walau x seberapa jua

Anyway dia org bukanla x usaha n harap bantuan and they don't expect to get pun sbb this is the 1st time. Takde flood pun dlm kg nie it just that mata pencarian mereka adalah memotong getah and due tu hujan x dpt bekerja.

Some of them dgn rumah yg agak uzur or usang n ada anak ramai. Yg si anak pun pandai. Hope they can grow well and learn frm what we have done so that when they grow up become somebody they will remember and willing to help others esp family n org kg. They r the new generation bakal pelapis satu hari nanti.

 Besides the good thing ada juga some yg involve with bad habits.. I am in denial state jugakla kdg2......
bcoz x sampai hati kalau tgk their parents yg dah tua msh kena kerja. Yg mash muda gagah end up....but yaaa itula kehidupan.....ada senang ada susah....ada putih ada hitam..good and bad...but hopefully kita semua diberi kesedaran.

Bantuan x seberapa nie bknla utk long term tp sekadar meringankan beban n membuka mata n minda supaya the youngers joint persatuan yg berfaedah, khidmat utk society and bersatu.


So suci....

She got blown hair...she is so shy

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